The Ultimate Buzz Killer: Locking Your Keys in Your Car!

Talk about a buzz killer! Nothing can wreck your day more than your keys being on the other side of a locked door. What a downer! If you are locked out of your house, at least you may have a hidden key or can find an unlocked window. The worst lockout for most people, though, is a car lockout. More often than not, it happens away from home, and a hopeless feeling can even turn to fear if you are in the wrong neighborhood or around the wrong people.

A “Slim Jim” Is Not a Good Solution.

Back in the 70s and 80s, it seemed that everybody and his brother had a popular car opening tool generally called a “slim jim.” For a few years, this tool would open quite a few cars with a minimum of knowledge and skill. Of course, some cars were easily damaged by disconnecting the lock from the latch by people who had more good intentions than knowledge and skill. Almost all modern cars (since 1980 and up) have been engineered to deny entry by that tool. If someone offers to open your car with one, the proper (and wise!) response would be to politely say, “No, thank you.”

Neither is Calling the Police.

In some communities, the local police or sheriff’s department will come out and open your vehicle “for free.” If you decide to take this route, there are a few things you need to know:

  1. Most departments offering this service do not have a training program to teach proper entry of a locked vehicle.

  2. The tools used by most police are designed to force an opening between the door and frame, and considerable damage can result, which leads us to. . .

  3. You will not be able to hold the police responsible for damages because you were probably required to sign a waiver.

  4. And lastly, yes, you are paying for it, through taxes that pay for them to protect and serve.

We Offer A Damage-Free Solution Which May Be Paid by Insurance.

It’s your choice – but what I offer is a professional, damage-free opening, and since most car openings are covered under “road service” on car insurance policies, you won’t be paying out of pocket if you have this coverage.

Call Us At 618-466-9347 For Prompt Service.

There is nothing better than having something done right. We open almost all vehicles by opening (picking) the lock on the door, which does no damage because it duplicates the action of the key. Yes, we charge a professional fee, but your insurance will cover it in most cases. So give us a call at 618-466-9347 to retrieve your keys the proper (and damage-free) way.