A lock can represent a problem, and consequently, a key can be seen as a solution to that problem. The key operates the lock. Problem solved. Aren’t life and locksmithing simple?

The one massive hiccup to that view of locksmithing is that it must be the correct key for that lock. “Therein lies the rub,” as Bill Shakespeare would say.

In the Movies, A Few Keys Will Open Every Lock.

There are literally hundreds of thousands of key types and keyways, with billions of possible ways of cutting all of them to fit their associated locks. Many people who lack knowledge of our industry but who have an impressive resume of films that involve locksmithing think that there are just a few “master” keys that will open every lock in the world. They are right, of course, but I can’t tell you that. (Just kidding!)

A lot of people have seen the Matrix series of movies. A little guy known as “The Locksmith” was in one of them. He had a huge ring of keys. Even I was impressed by the little guy’s ability to go through any door just by pulling up the right key from his key ring. And if it’s in the movies, it’s got to be true, right?

In Reality, There are Too Many Keys to Keep Them All in Stock.

If it were not for key catalogues being on computer now, most locksmiths would be permanently bent over from lugging around huge quantities of key catalogues. And, the point that I finally wanted to come to is this: we can’t keep all of them in stock, no matter how hard we try.

I have been in locksmith shops with wall after wall after wall of keys on hooks spaced very close together. Many hooks have from 1 to 10 keys or more. Big shops like that have hundreds of thousands of key blanks (uncut keys) in inventory.

If there is anything that will bury a new lock business or shop (or even an established one), it is inventory costs. That is the cost of buying and carrying large amounts of inventory to cover all possibilities.

Inventory Costs are Skyrocketing for Locksmiths.

The real problem in this electronic 21st century is that new inventory (for cars especially) does not consist of 50-cent key blanks, and there are quite a few new key blanks every year. The wrench in the works is the key that costs anywhere from $20 to $150 or more for just one—and that’s the wholesale cost to the locksmith.

It has gotten to the point where a locksmith would need to invest as much as $250,000 to carry all he or she would need to do every make, model, and type of car. That’s just inventory. Tools are a whole different expense and another article down the line.

As a one-man mobile shop, it is simply impossible for me to stock everything. I have watched (with much dismay) the amount invested in my inventory grow astronomically. In spite of that, I still can only carry so much, and I do my best to balance that out by trying to keep in stock the most needed and popular items.

The old saying, “You can’t sell from an empty cart,” is still somewhat true, but often what I don’t carry, even car dealers must also get from a regional supplier. I have had dealers occasionally call me to buy something they have temporarily run out of.

Customers Who Plan Ahead and Are Patient Can Get Extra Keys at a Lower Cost.

It is a different world, and the customer who plans ahead and is a little patient is way ahead of the crowd when it comes time to obtain additional keys.

If I don’t have your remote key or proximity key in stock, I can generally get it in two days. Or if you don’t mind that it is not exact, a crossover can be substituted that may have function buttons that are not used on your vehicle.

I try to stock remotes, FOBIK, and proximity keys that fit a variety of models to keep inventory costs down. This also keeps the cost to you, the consumer, down. But if you want an exact replacement and we don’t have it, we’ll do our best to get one for you.

Keys costing a customer $150 or more at a dealership are here to stay. With a little patience on your part, we can get the job done and keep the price for your replacement key lower, or maybe much lower, than that.

Give Us A Call for Your Extra Key or Remote Needs.

Give us a call at 618-466-9347, and we’ll talk about what you need in a key or remote. It might be a lot cheaper than the horror stories you have heard from friends and acquaintances. I feel your pain. It’s a real pain very similar to the pain I see when I look at my inventory costs. Give us a call and we’ll see if we can fill your need without too much pain for you.